Saturday, June 4, 2011

Busy planning the shower

The Invitation - ordered off Etsy and printed at HEB photo center. :)

Extra napkins in the pail on the right.  I'll have fresh sunflowers in the tall pail in the center.

These bees used a LOT of paper.

So, I made a few of these too, that didn't take quite so much paper.

I am happy that all 98 invitations (for 130 guests) went out in the mail this past week and I've already had some 'Regrets' calls.  I knew that would happen, but I am still planning on about 70+ people being there. I wrapped some plasticware (leftover from the bachelorette party - thank goodness) and placed them in a black tin pail.  I used a 'school bus yellow' napkin and a piece of black cloth ribbon.  I did 75.  I hope that is enough...if not, I have extras, they just wont be wrapped. I glued a yellow ribbon around the pail and glued a wooden bee to it. My co-worker was nice enough to let me borrow her Cricut machine. I researched and found a cartridge that cuts bees.  So, I bought it.  I sat down and cut out a bunch of bees.  I wish I had created the Cricut!!! :)  I have a few more items to purchase, but other than that...I've got everything ready. 

Each hostess will bring a food item for that day.  Hopefully, people will call or email me if they cannot make I can make sure we have enough food.

I have been quite nervous that my sister wasn't going to be happy with the shower theme.  I contemplated not sending her an invitation and just give it to her the day of the shower, since the invitation says it all...BUT, I decided that too many people who she knows is getting an invitation and will put it up on their refrigerator and she'll end up seeing it I sent her one.  She called today to say she received it and thought it was really cute.  Even her husband giggled at the...."What Will It Bee"!!  I am thrilled she liked the invitation.  Hopefully she'll like the rest of what is planned. :)