Tuesday, February 7, 2012

7 Months Later...

Emily Kay arrived on July 29th. I am smitten by her.  My sister is adament about not posting her pictures anywhere, so I can't share, even though no one is following this blog. :)  I have made several things for Emily and need a 2nd job so I can continue to buy all the cute little clothes I find for her.  Before Emily arrived, baby stuff wouldn't even catch my attention in a store, but now, every CUTE thing jumps out at me and says "I'd look so cute on Emily" or "Emily would love to have me". :)  It's kind of addicting.  Here is her first Halloween costume.  She was a flower.  I bought the pants and top at Wal-Mart and dyed it Kelly Green.  I made the bonnet with yellow fabric and the petals with pink fabric, netting and pipe cleaners.  She was so cute in it.

Then for Christmas, I made a Christmas stocking and a Santa hat.  Angela and I placed Emily in the stocking, placed the Santa hat on her head and laid her on green fabric and took pictures.  I wish I could show them, but I want to stay true to my sis's wishes about no pictures on the internet.

Angela even used the pictures for Christmas cards.  One day, Emily is going to be so mad at us for 'dressing her up'. :)

My favorite item that I've made so far for her was her "Emily Blanket".  It was an easy blanket since I cheated and bought an already quilted fabric.  I sewed a cute ribbon around the sides of it and had her name embroidered on it.  Angela said it was too cute to use, but I wanted her to.  I'll have to post a picture later as I can't get to one at the moment.

I've been making Emily some clothes too, so I'll post those when I get a chance too.